Technology | Market | Products
ABOYA is planning to raise €10m (2005-2007) to fund the start of the product development process and launch the prototyping research. The amount of money to be raised in the first phase is intended to support activity until 2008. At that stage ABOYA envisages to have demonstrated the viability of one of the available technologies and to have confirmed its ability to continue development to market with a high degree of confidence. At this time ABOYA expects to be in a position to negotiate its licensing agreement with potential customers.
Another funding of €11m in 2008 and 2009 is needed to complete the development, to create a commercial model and to launch it across global markets.
The total funding of € 21m can be phased in accordance with development progress.
Dteailed financial projections up to the year 2017 have been prepared and are available on request for interested investors.